About me:

I'm a Computer Science undergraduate from Brasil. Before college I didn't had any knowledge whatsoever about programming or electronics, so I basically started from scratch.

As of now, my knowledge is still basic, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it (This site is an example of my growth). I see myself as a Back-End Dev, because I find it more interesting, but I'll most likely end up as a Full-Stack to have a broader range.

Just like a lot of people that started to learn programming, I did so because of games. I find the idea of creating a whole new world through coding really fascinating and I hope some day I can achieve sufficient knowledge to create a game that the younger version of me would be proud of.

(Don't know what to yap more about so I'll put a couple of paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum...)

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Placeat minima, nostrum quaerat nobis iure officiis consectetur? Corrupti voluptas, exercitationem quo ad quae sapiente provident saepe ratione, praesentium ab voluptates molestiae! Autem ullam architecto est! Nihil ratione nisi et rem minus facilis aliquam delectus, neque deleniti amet eum impedit unde, esse dignissimos repellat soluta suscipit architecto explicabo quaerat possimus, vel reprehenderit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Non, nobis, officia qui nostrum possimus, consectetur corrupti veniam nihil aliquam quia saepe sapiente neque aperiam dolorem obcaecati esse sunt cumque error.

This is the second version (doesn't mean better) of "My page" using the Github server; most likely in the future, this page will be used for something else, but for now, I'm using it to train HTML/CSS and write dumb stuff...